How to Capture an Object

This step-by-step guide will show you how to use Polycam to make 3D scans of small objects. 

For best results, you'll need:

  1. 📱Polycam App 
  2. Small turn table
  3. 🏴 Solid gray or black background
  4. 🪟 Controlled lighting: you'll want your object to be evenly lit from all sides with no visible shadows. 

🤳 Steps to Capture an Object with Polycam

  1. Open the Polycam App 
  2. Tap the Camera icon on the bottom right to get started IMG_1667.PNG.png
  3. Put the object on a turntable.
    ☝️Pro Tip: Ideally, the turntable should be in front of a gray or black background. Make a note of which side of the object is facing you.
  4. Clean your lens and ensure your subject looks sharp.
    ☝️Pro Tip: Your subject will need to be in focus on all images. Avoid a hazy lens:
  5. Tap Auto
    IMG_1644 auto.PNG.png

  6. Tap the shutter to begin taking photos. 
    ☝️Pro Tip: When using Auto mode, photos are only taken when the camera moves, so ensure you are always slowly moving it up and down. 
    IMG_1644 start.PNG.png
  7. Rotate the turntable slowly.
  8. Move the phone up and down as you rotate to ensure you get photos from all angles. 
  9. Spin the turntable 360° and then go an extra 10° to overlap photos with where you started.
  10. Pause capture by tapping the shutter button.
  11. Flip the object, making sure it doesn’t squish or change shape.
    ☝️Pro Tip: When you turn the object upside down, make sure it keeps its form (stuff it with a sock)
  12. Again, spin the turntable 360° slowly, moving the phone up and down.
  13. Once you have gotten enough images, tap the shutter to stop capturing photos. Then tap DONE. ☝️Pro tip: This capture has 121 images—the more detail you record, the higher quality your capture will be. 
    IMG_1659.PNG (1).png
  14. Upload your photos, and make sure Photogrammetry mode is selected.
    IMG_1660 phooto.PNG.png
  15. Tap “Full” detail and “Use Object Masking” (this will cut out the object from the background for you)
    IMG_1663 resolution.PNG.png
    IMG_1663 up.PNG.png
  17. You must keep this screen open while your photos are uploading. Don’t change apps or let your phone screen turn off.
  18. Once all the photos have been uploaded, you can leave this screen and wait for Polycam to do its magic!
  19. When your scan is ready, it will appear in your Library.