Polycam provides different access levels within a team, allowing for varying degrees of interaction with the team's content. Understanding these roles and permissions can help you manage your team effectively and ensure that everyone has the appropriate level of access.
Users with Owner Permissions can:
Users with Can Edit Permissions can:
Users with Can View Permissions can:
Users with Owner Permissions can:
Adjust Team Settings: The Owner has the authority to change team settings, such as team name,
Invite Additional Members: The Owner can invite new members to join the team, including assigning them specific roles.
View and Edit All Team Content: Owners have full access to all team content, including captures and albums. They can view, edit, and manage any content created within the team.
Add Additional Content: Owners can upload new content, such as captures and albums, to the team library.
- Access to All Polycam Pro Features: As the highest access level, the Owner has complete access to all Polycam Pro features available to the team.
Users with Can Edit Permissions can:
View and Edit All Team Content: Users with "Can Edit" permissions can view and edit any content within the team, regardless of who created it.
Add Additional Content: These users can contribute new captures and albums to the team's library, expanding the team’s collection.
- Access to All Polycam Pro Features: Similar to Owners, users with editing permissions can utilize all Polycam Pro features to manage and enhance the team's content.
Users with Can View Permissions can:
View All Team Content: Users with "Can View" access can see all captures and albums shared within the team.
Edit Content They Created: These users can only edit the content they have personally created; they do not have the ability to edit content created by others.
Add Additional Content: Users with viewing permissions can still contribute new content to the team's library.
- Access to All Polycam Pro Features: Even with view-only access, these users can take advantage of all Polycam Pro features, allowing them to create and manage their own content within the team's framework.
Owners have the most control, with the ability to adjust team settings, invite members, and manage all team content.
Can Edit users can fully manage team content but do not have administrative control over the team's settings or member invitations.
- Can View users have limited editing capabilities, restricted to the content they create themselves, while still having access to the full range of Polycam Pro features.