Explore is Polycam's community, where you can share 3D models you create with others. By default, your models will not appear in Explore.
How can I make my capture available on Explore?
How to Remove Your Capture from Explore
Will other members be able to edit my original capture?
How can I make my capture available on Explore?
Open Your Capture: Navigate to the capture you want to publish.
Ownership: Ensure you are the original owner of the content. You cannot publish content that was saved from another account.
Publish: Tap or click the Publish button in the top right corner.
Set Preferences:
- Show Location: Toggle this on or off based on your preferences.
Savable: Toggle this on or off depending on your preferences. If enabled, other members of the Polycam community can save and use your capture.
- Publish to Explore: Tap or click PUBLISH TO EXPLORE to share your capture.
How to Remove Your Capture from Explore
You may want to remove a capture from the Explore page for various reasons. Perhaps the capture no longer represents the quality or style of your current work, or if the capture contains sensitive information or was shared by mistake. Removing it ensures your content remains secure and aligned with your personal or professional standards. By unpublishing a capture, you maintain control over how your work is presented to the Polycam community.
Open the Capture: Navigate to the capture you want to unpublish.
Unpublish: Tap or click Unpublish in the center.
- Confirm: Confirm that you want to unpublish the capture.
Will other members be able to edit my original capture?
No, if you choose to make your capture saveable, others will never have access to your original file; this will remain on your account. If you choose to make your files saveable, users will be able to download a copy, which they can edit.