Sometimes you need to make a capture even bigger -- to add an extra room in a house, or a new wing of a building, for example. Here is how you can make captures that you can extend later, even after you've processed them.
Steps to Extend a LiDAR Capture
1. Use LiDAR mode to make a capture on your iPhone or iPad
2. Process the capture
3. View the capture
4. At the bottom, scroll the toolbar all the way to the right and click Extend
5. Aim the camera at the same part of the room that you originally captured -- this will help Polycam figure out how to extend it with your new scan
6. Scan the new part of your room.
7. Click process.
8. View your extended scan as one mesh.
Steps to Extend a Photo Mode Capture
1. Use Photo mode to make a scan
2. Process your scan as Photogrammetry
3. View your capture
4. Scroll to the right on the bottom toolbar until you see Extend
5. Tap Extend
6. Take more photos of your scene
💡Tip: Make sure you take lots of photos of the edge of your last scene, to "glue" your new set of photos to the old set
7. Tap Upload & Process