How Does Polycam Handle Data Encryption and Storage with Third-Party Vendors?

Polycam is committed to protecting your data's security and privacy. This article outlines how data is encrypted, the minimum requirements for data handling, and details about where specific data is stored.

Is Our Data Encrypted When Stored With Third-Party Vendors? (Agoria, Digital Ocean, Etc.)

Yes, data stored with third-party vendors such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Digital Ocean is encrypted. For instance, GCP ensures that all data is encrypted at rest, and Digital Ocean follows similar encryption protocols as part of their data security practices

What Does Minimum Requirements Mean Under the Data Handling Agreement?

The "minimum requirements" refer to baseline data protection and handling standards that vendors must meet to ensure security, compliance, and privacy in line with Polycam's security policies and third-party certifications. This includes encryption, regular audits, and access controls to safeguard user data

What Specific Data Is Stored Where, and Do We Share the Data With Google as Part of Our Contract With Them?

Polycam stores its primary application data on Google Firebase Firestore and Google Firebase Realtime Database, which are part of the Google Cloud Platform. Additionally, artifacts such as 3D data and other large files are stored on Digital Ocean.

While data is stored on these platforms, sharing data with Google is limited to the storage and processing purposes necessary for Polycam's functionality. Google does not have access to user data beyond what is required for infrastructure