Introducing Polycam 360 Mode

Introducing Polycam 360 Mode

Introducing Polycam 360 Mode

A new way to generate 360 panoramas and skyboxes.

With Polycam’s new 360 Mode, you can take fully stitched 360 panorama images directly on your iPhone. We use the latest AI infilling techniques to decrease the amount of time spent capturing each photo by a factor of 3-4x.

One-shot Skyboxes


360 Mode makes capturing a full 360 skybox as easy as taking a standard panorama photo. Just spin around once in a complete circle, and the images will get stitched together seamlessly on device in 15-20 seconds.

Magic AI Infilling


The new 360 experience lets you fill in uncaptured sky and ground sections with the latest AI image generators. You’ll get a realistically generated texture without your feet or body as part of the capture.

New Background Tool


You can export and share the 360 photos as their own artifacts, or you can use them as backgrounds for other Polycam 3D captures.

Export to Creative Tools


Export the equirectangular skybox image to use directly inside of game engines and other 3D software. Use them as assets inside of immersive experiences.

Get Started

Download Polycam for iOS today!